jeudi 24 septembre 2015

29 biocube downgrade

hey guys just thought id throw out a new thread about my downsizing tanks.
some of you may know i was running an 8 AIO, 125G FO and 20G frag along with a 72B. well come to find out that it takes a decent amount of power to do such things lol. i knew my power bills would be hih they always have been a little up there since ive started this hobby. but a few months ago i receive a bill that was over $300. so i went and ran the numbers on all the equipment on all the tanks and came up with close to 2/3 of my bill was due to tanks. and as much as i enjoy my fish i am not sure i enjoy them that much.

so I decided to downsize my 72B to a recently acquired 29 biocube. which i had done some light modding to. I knew i would want more light that the stock cube could give me. but i wanted to keep the AIO look with the hood still on the system. so i read up on some led's and mods. i kinda liked the steves and rapid led kits but i thought they were a little expensive. right before i bought one i found a set of 2 i think they are mars aqua or something similar 165W led's on sale for 50 each at a LFS. i thought hey it looks like it could go in there with some encouragement so why not try.

and try i did, i took both of the led's home and tore one out of its housing and started trying to fit it into the hood. took a lot of working but finally got it in there. ill take some pictures of whats *under the hood* if anyone really wants to see. once i got it in there the system seems like its running perfectly. as for cooling it i retro fitted the hood with two silenx 60 m fans
and 2 more 80mm silenx fans i have in tank media baskets in the back with a ball of cheato.

as for stock i have
2 picasso clown
1 rainfordi goby
1 yellow nose goby
1 mandarin goby
1 skunk cleaner

think thats it. basically the stock out of my 72 but the sail-fin and flame angel now live in the 125 in the basement

kinda wondering if i need another fish in this tank for some more movement as the clowns never really leave eachothers side and dont seem to just stride through the tank. if you didnt know sometimes the tank could look empty.

also if anyone had any fun coral suggestions im open to them. im attempting my first real SPS as in a green slimer in this tank. i broke a small frag off a larger bit i have in my frag tank that i acquired recently and i am attempting to grow it. we shall see. but anyway onto the pictures!
they are cell pictures know everyone loves those high quality images

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