mercredi 30 septembre 2015

Coral banded shrimp warning

In my experience, my coral banded shrimp is by far the worst purchase I have made thus far. He has been such a d**k to all my other fish and he has even gone as far as going out of his way for my fire shrimp. Now I know this is Mother Nature at work but I paid ******ing $50 for that fire shrimp just to see it get shredded up by him. He is a Pygmy gold headed coral banded. I've even started to notice that he is picking at my corals. I'm definitely getting aride of him. I'm just warning people now who have an interest in VERY cautious with what you put them in with your tank. I have been told that they can't even be in the tank with other invertebrates. They'll just mow them down aswell. So this is a warning for people who are considering buying one....they are very territorial and very moody. They only come out during night so I rarely see the a**hole anyway.
Happy "Tanking"
John :)

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