mardi 29 septembre 2015

I done goofed. Skimmer going nuts.

Hey gang,

My buddy's moving out of town, so he shut down his tank and added five fish to my tank. All pretty small, 300g total volume, should be okay even though that's a lot. Still, I thought I'd try to reduce stress a little bit and help the fish out so I added Stress Zyme to the water.

I heard something funny from the sump, and looked underneath. Turns out my skimmer decided to have a little foam party. I quickly drained what was still in the skimmer to get that waste out of there, and since then I've left it running but just took the plug out so it's flowing straight back into the sump.

I did a 25g water change. It has been almost 48 hours, and the skimmer is still going pretty wild, bubbling over.

Any advice? Anyone done this?

As far as I can tell, here are my options:

1. Don't do anything, let it works its way out. Filter socks, bioballs, and carbon will have to be enough filtration for now.

2. Lots and lots of water changes. Honestly that takes forever and gets really expensive. I'd rather not, but it's not the end of the world.

3. Panic. Shut down the tank. Sit on the floor of my shower with the water running over my head and sob.

Any other thoughts?

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