mercredi 30 septembre 2015

Now that my kids are self sufficient!

Hey Everyone!
Been on a little while and haven't formally introduced. Was in the "Reefer" world many moons ago but decided to have kids and well you know what happens then.. Just getting back into it again and started an In the Wall 75 gallon reef tank. Starting out with a 75 glass tank,custom refugium, PSK 150 skimmer,2 MP40 wave makers,2 Radion 30 Leds,1 Actinic Blue strips light,,Neptune Sustem(which I may never figure out),a few heaters and an Aquarium Medic Chiller,Spectra Pure ATO and an RO/DI. Any advise on what I may be missing that will benefit right away? Any Reactors or Dosers or am I pretty much ready? I will be using Indo Rock when the time comes also. I would post pics but am not sure how to do that on this forum? Thanks again for all the advice as I will be needing it. I may be that guy on the baseball team with the best looking uniform but don't know how to even catch the ball! Haha

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