samedi 26 septembre 2015

The history of our reef tanks...Part ll

O.K. folks, in honor of Halloween, and the fun you all had with Helen's last thread with the 'on-going-story' of the history of reef keeping, anyone up for round 2? Same rules, have fun, and just run with it whatever way it may the ancient planks gave up their last breathe in their struggle against the raging, angry sea, one forgotten piece of the once proud and strong gunwale broke free from the death hold of the tempest and flew ashore, bounced from on wave crest to the next. The deafening sound of the pounding surf muffled it's arrival on the fog shrouded beach to all but the gnarled weather beaten sailor it narrowly missed, as he huddled against the chill of the dampness in a pile of sea weed..... Have fun folks,

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