jeudi 24 septembre 2015

First marine tank. Cycling question

It's been long time since I've had an aquarium and decided to take my enpty 20g tank out of the attic and make a nano reef tank. I have 20lbs. of live sand, 10 pounds of dry rock and 10 lbs of live rock that I purchased from the LFS. I am 3 days up an running and am wondering if I need to put a raw shrimp in the tank to cycle, or if the tank will do it on its own.

Here are my water test results:

Day 1: pH - 8, Ammonia - .75, Nitrite - 1 and Nitrate - 10
Day 2: pH - 8, Ammonia - .25, Nitrite - .25 and Nitrate - 20
Day 3: pH - 8, Ammonia - .25, Nitrite - 0 and Nitrate - 10

The only life i see in there are some pods running around the live rock. Do I need to be feeding them and if so, what do you recommend.

Thank you.

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