mercredi 30 septembre 2015

Would anyone be interested in a blue jaw triggerfish and white cheek tang? (Oregon)

Hello all. Been a good month since I have been on the forms. Been taking a break from it as well as just being mellow with my tanks in the meantime.

Now I am starting to feel the pull of reefing again and I would like to make some changes. I have a few fish that are giving me troubles and I am wondering if anyone would be interested in them? I live in the Eugene Oregon area.

My first fish is a 4 inch blue jaw triggerfish. He is very healthy, fat, and is always active and eats like a horse. He has great personality, but his food drive is his downfall. Anything new I add he seems to try to eat anymore as he just sees everything as food. He's not aggressive, but every now and then he will bite a few fins. My clownfish and banggai will give him crap and he just tends to ignore it, mostly.

My other fish is my white cheek tang. This guy is the trouble maker. Anything I add that's over 2 inches he beats the crap out of without let up for days on end. This puts me in a pickle between him and the trigerfish. Anything too small it gets eaten, anything to big it gets beat to a pulp. He is also VERY high strung as he is always pacing and slapping the glass. He just creates this uptight energy in the tank for me and my fish, and I've decided I don't want to put up with it anymore. I want a calming tank, not a stressful one. I'm not sure if he is like this because that's just how he is or if my 120 gallon is too small. I tend to think a bit of both. He is also very healthy and fat. Eats everything except flakes or pellets.

If interested having a QT tank on hand may be good as I have had my bouts of ich in my reef, and every now and then may tang will have some spots. I would treat it myself, but I have no QT. I would hate to introduce something into anybody's tank so I thinks it's good to mention that.

I'm not going to talk price yet, as really I am just wanting to see if anyone serious is interested in them at this point. They both really need nothing smaller than a 180, with the tang probably needing bigger. The trigger should be easy to get out, but the tang, not so much. I would have to tear down my tank to get him. If no one is interested I will take them to my LFS in due time.

Oh, and I have been having issues with uploading pictures on my computer recently, but I can try if anyone is interested.

Thanks for looking.

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