mardi 29 septembre 2015

Help needed


About an hours ago I accidently added 5Litres of untreated tap water to my 120L reef aquarium.

Once added straight away I realised what I had done and quickly searched for some tap water conditioner or Prime or anything but I had run out (I normally use RO).

I raced to the shops and bought some tap water conditioner and 40 Litres of salt water.

I have done a 40L water change and added tap water conditioner.
Should I run the skimmer or NOT, will it remove the tap water conditioner. I have turned on my Fluval 306 filter which is full of sponges and foams to increase flow

All fish are alive but Corals have all receeded badly (2x Gonis, 1x Elegance, 1x Scolli and 2 leathers and an anemone).

Will things be ok.??? Thanks

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