vendredi 25 septembre 2015

Need saltwater tank advice 125 gallon

Howdy folks!

I'm getting a 125 gallon aquarium (not drilled) over the next couple weeks. I want to run a FOWLR with a single Black Volitan lionfish.

My questions are mostly regarding filtration and water circulation. As I stated before the tank is not drilled and I don't plan on drilling it or having it drilled. That being said a sump is pretty much out of the question.

I currently own a Reef Octopus HOB classic 1000 skimmer which is rated up to 100 gallons (light bio-load). My thoughts were to either buy a second matching skimmer and run both plus get bunch of live rock and a couple power-heads and go with a Berlin-style setup. Or add a large HOB filter along with the skimmer and powerheads. I'm inclined to do the dual skimmers and maybe add Purigen in one and Chemi-pure in the other.

As far as rock goes I was thinking of getting some either premium live rock or maybe just some Coraline living rock...most websites say 1-2 pounds of rock per gallon...can I get away with less? Say 75 pounds or so? I want plenty of rock but I want the fish to have ample room to swim as well.

How many and how large of powerheads would I need? I would like to use as few as possible for energy efficiency.

Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!

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