mardi 29 septembre 2015

greetings everyone!

First let me say that i'm pretty excited about being a member, and hope to learn as much from you experienced members as I can to help better my fish keeping experiences.

A little about me: I'm a 40 yr old retired disabled veteran living in the Dallas, Tx area since 2010. Married with 3 daughters, 2 dogs and more hobbies than my wife would probably like!

My tanks and experience: I've kept aquariums almost all of my adult life stemming back to about 1997. Most of my experience has been freshwater tanks and i've had several setups with varied livestock from african cichlids to red belly and black piranha. over the past 5 or 6 yrs i've had multiple tanks 135g fw, 72g bowfront fw, 16g biorb fw, 55g fw, 10g nano sw, and 240g sw fowlr. I've recently downsized a bit so now I only have the biorb and my 240g. I've learned a lot about sw but not enough to say i'm anything more than a novice at best. i've had some good runs with livestock and some bad ones ending in loss of my stock..

What i'm looking to learn: great aquarium habits, feeding habits, equipment improvements, pretty much anything to keep my tank healthy and beautiful... its currently serviced once a month by a professional but its definitely not enough so I need to get in the habit of doing more maintenance on my own in between services..

I look forward to exchanging information with you all as well as learning from you and thank you for having me!

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