mardi 29 septembre 2015

Mandarins: how many tisbe cultures is too many for a nano?

So im in the process of rescaping and new sandbed goin into 20gal long reef tank. I think its time i went for the challenge of a mandarin.

Now my plan is to spoil this thing, like a chubby kid in the icecream section of costco.

I want to start culturing tisbe copepods in 2liter bottles. How many cultures is too many for this guy? I know nanos should be seeded regularly since he'll make short work out of a culture in no time. I also have a baby six line so competition will be there.

The reason i ask is i dont want to be adding more copepods than necessary, and letting them die and rot etc..

Thanks guys! And quick little post question vote, green, red, or physcadellic(spotted) morph? Which do you guys like best and is there a behavioral difference between the 3?

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