mardi 29 septembre 2015

Fishless cycle - pH drop?

Hey guys - seems like more people check out this part of the forum than the Tank Specs part so I'll post my questions here and link to my tank spec thread so you can see my set up.

My fishless cycle with dead shrimp has been going for 9 days now, and my test results are throwing me off and causing me to worry a little.

I've been testing every other day and the highest ammonia reading I've gotten was 0.5ppm on Day 5. Yesterday (Day 8), it read 0.25ppm and today it read between 0 and 0.25ppm. Nitrites and nitrates have both been consistently at 0ppm.

I wasn't terribly concerned about the lack of ammonia spike thus far, but noticed that there was a pretty significant pH drop between yesterday and today. The pH started at 8.14 on Day 1 and consistently rose daily up to 8.19 yesterday. After checking this morning, the pH dropped to 7.86.

Temp has been pretty steady around 80.5*. Salinity at a steady 1.026 SG.

Shrimp hasn't completely dissolved yet. Kind of just a couple of amorphous blobs right now. I have noticed that there is sort of a white/off-white/gray powdery coating on the bottom of the tank and other surfaces (thought it was rock dust at first but it's definitely multiplying).

Skimmer is not running, lights are not on, and haven't done any water changes so far. I'm concerned that the cycle is stalling. Any thoughts, advice, others that went through this? I'm all about being patient with the cycle but just want to be sure it's heading in the right direction too. Thanks and cheers! :beer:

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