samedi 26 septembre 2015

Shark Head Gobies - 1 dead 1 disappeared. ; Why/How?


I am new to this forum and relatively new to slat water tanking. I started a nano tank 29 gallons. My inhabitants include(d):

2- Shark head Gobies
2- Peppermint cleaner shrimp
3- Clownfish
1- Damsel
1- Emerald Crab
1- Firetail Gobi
8- Live Rock
2- Brush Algae

I am pretty sure one of the peppermint got sucked up into my power head overnight...I haven't seen him in two or three weeks. The other one has been doing great and is not harassed.

The reason for this post though is I had to go away for a 24 hour period abruptly. When I left the water levels were great, the fish hadn't been bothering each other, the shark head gobi's were just chilling. I fed them quite a bit of frozen food that morning and put in some pellets they eat over time and not immediately (I don't know why they do that, it just happens that way).

When I came back, I found the smaller of the two shark head gobi's dead, body reduced to what looked like a tadpole with only a black strand connected to a sort of black head. The other bigger Gobi has not turned up since.

Is there anything in my tank that would kill/eat Shark Head Gobi's? The Damsel, clownfish and shark head gobi's all came out of the same tank from purchase. I have heard damsel's can be a pain in the butt, but I want to think he didn't murder anything that he came out of the same tank from. Water levels are still great, fish are still eating, and I couldn't find the bigger shark head anywhere. I did turn up the rocks and such to make sure he wasn't buried under any of them and could not find him. I find it weird part of the smaller shark head would be left hanging around my live rock but nothing of the bigger one seems to exist.

I wanted to see if I could get any answers. The smaller Gobi was the baby of the tank and I am a bit depressed that he is gone. I didn't want to replace them if more fish will just die :(

Thank you in advance!

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