mercredi 23 septembre 2015

Desperate Help


Okay, so my tank had a melt down a while back (due to a faulty heater which heated up my tank so high that it melted all of my corals), since then, my tank cannot have corals for some odd reason. Ive done different tests on it, and everything except Nitrate is at 0. pH is at 7.8, and ammonia and nitrite are at 0ppm. My salinity is a bit low, but other than that, nothing seems to be wrong.

In my other tank, I had a beaded carpet die, and I was going to put my green carpet into that tank, but everything in it is sky high. Ammonia is high and nitrite is high.

I don't know what to do to not lose my carpet. Anything that you see that could be wrong with my water, PLEASE tell me!!!:doh:

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