mercredi 23 septembre 2015

O2 levels and serpent stars

A couple/three weeks ago I realized that 3 of my large black serpent stars were
missing. I thought that our Zebra Moray had taken them, and I'm still not convinced he didn't.

There are three of the green serpents still in the tank, as well a small black one who lives in an old clam shell embedded in a potion of DIY rock. Also in the clam are a couple red mushrooms. I never see the center of this SS, but his legs are always searching for passing food.

So I just re-oerdered more of the black SS. Live Aquaria warns that they are extremely sensitive to changes in oxygen levels as well as SG and PH.

What has to happen to lower 02 to a dangerous degree other than an extended power outage???.....of which we've not had a long one. 15 minutes or so during a thunder thumper.

Any thoughts?

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