mardi 22 septembre 2015

Brand-spankin' new 55 gallon build

Finally, after years of waiting and months of planning, researching, buying, and work, my 55 gallon soon-to-be softies and LPS reef has officially begun the cycle (Sunday evening)! Here's what I've got rolling so far:
  • Standard non-reef ready Tetra 55 gallon tank (dollar-a-gallon at petco, hard to pass up) with Lifereef HOB overflow, sitting on DIY stand
  • Bare bottom now, so i can can more accurately figure out flow and detritus settling, will eventually add 3/4" sandbed for aesthetics
  • 50 lbs of BRS reef saver rock, elevated off the bottom with 3/4" pvc
  • 5 lbs live fiji rock to seed
  • 2 koralia2 powerheads operated by koralia wavemaker
  • DIY sump out of a 20g long, with bubble trap baffles space 2" apart
  • Reef Octopus Classic-150INT (not running during cycle)
  • Eheim Jager 150watt heater powered by DIY heater controller
  • Mag9 return pump
  • Hydor Smart level ATO
  • 1 dead stinky shrimp that makes the wife dry heave when she walks by (bonus)
  • Instant Ocean mixed with RODI from Spectrapure refurb 90GPD unit

Params as of yesterday:
  • NH3: .25ppm
  • NO2: 0ppm
  • NO3: 0ppm
  • Salinity: 1.026 SG
  • pH: 8.16

10-20% WC weekly during cycle
LED lighting will be acquired and turned on after cycle is complete

So that's how she's running so far. Stay tuned and thanks for reading!


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