jeudi 24 septembre 2015

60 Gallong Upgrade Help!

Hi there guys. So its been just over one year that I have had my simple 25 gallon reef set up! Only running an HOB Protein Skimmer. Only lost one torch coral! Its pretty stocked So Im looking to upgrade my tank to a rimless, drilled 60 gallon cube 24x24X24 inches. I would just like a little feed back on my plan.
So I need to add +20 lbs of liverock (Already have 30 lbs in my 25 gallon)
Im thinking of purchasing nice display rock. Most likely put 20-25lbs of LR in my sump. Im going to convert my current 25 gallon into a sump for my 60 gallon upgrade.

Any recommendations on return pumps? Going with a 500gph pump im thinking, maybe slightly larger? Would a Supreme Mag 5 -500gph be not enough for my systems size? The pump will only be pumping from the sump to the display tank which is about 3-3.5 feet. (I understand the Pumps Rating for 4 feet), main concern here is 500gph for a 60 gallon+(15-20 gallons in sump) = 80 gallon total. Is that enough?

Any recommendations on protein skimmers? My current one SUCKS. (Drips water from the collection cup) and its impossible to seal. I bought it for 60$ so it was a deal. But definitely upgrading to a submersible, reliable and very well rated skimmer!

This build is not really on a budget. My main goal is to make an outstanding visual appealing reef tank. Aiming for under 800$. Tank is 300$ itself, good protein skimmers 200-400$, 100-125$ Return pump + my Rock and substrate I need.

Im currently running Chinese LEDs, no issue so far. Planning on upgrading my lights to radion G3's within the next year or so.

Is there anything else I should consider adding into my sump? I watched a lot of youtube videos. I am currently dosing Calcium, Alkalinity and I started dosing Reed Plus about two months ago and like it so im going to continue using it.

Thanks :)


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