mercredi 22 avril 2015

They Say Pictures are Worth a 1,000 Words So How Many Words are Videos Worth?

So I know we love pictures here but our tanks have so much more to offer then a still frame. What you can't see in pictures is the actual motion and movement going on within that tank. How is your flow effecting you corals, how do your fish get along in the tank, are they swimming in and out of rock work or just hanging in the sand. What type of agitation do you have going on at the top of your tank.

What about equipment? Let's see it in action, how things are running and hooked up. Let's see it all! Let's see what you see when you sit down and enjoy the beauty of your tank. Their are so many of the same people I see in this forum but have yet to see their tank in action.

I for one have a very simple tank compared to what a lot of folks have here. My tank can give hope to someone with not such a huge budget but wants to get themselves a reef tank setup. Maybe they will see my tank and say, hey I can do that, it doesn't look so hard. I know looking at setups a lot of folks here have it can be very intimidating for someone wanting to get into saltwater.

But then again, some of your setups are amazing, and complicated and expensive and needs to be seen. It might give a lot of folks some idea's just seeing how you hooked something up, or something you created or rigged up yourself that someone would not even think about doing.

Let's see video's of your tank from head to toe and let us know what it going on in there!

So I will kick this thread off with my simple 55g. It is coming up to almost a year of being setup up although it started out as a 20g tall, to a 20 long to a 29 and recently upgraded it to a 55g. The tanks were setup in the same location each time so they had to be taken down, moved and the new tank placed in the same spot which was a little bit of a pain but has been successful each time. I think I am done for now as any tank wider then my 55g will not fit in the spot I have for it.

It is sumpless as the location doesn't really allow for one. I recently replaced my Jebao RW-4 and WP10 with one RW8 and as you can see in the vid at half power I am getting great water movement and motion from corals.

I also run a little HOB box with slow flow so it does not build up junk in it and keep carbon, Seachem Matrix and Phosban in there all in filter bags.

I have an internal, inexpensive protein skimmer that you can see collecting gunk in it. This is one thing in the future I would think about upgrading with a better HOB one but right now it is doing more then not having one.

Just got a new heater, the Eheim Jagar 200W and it works great. Also have a Tunze Nano ATO that goes up to 55g but I know people use them for larger tanks as well.

Oh, and an IT2060 fully programmable LED light. Rock was started with half live and half dry and I also have 15lbs more of dry rock coming from Reef Cleaners that was just ordered so looking forward to filling up the tank a little more.

Hopefully others will join in here, if not hope some people will at least enjoy my video! LOL

EDIT....How does one embed a Youtube video? Doesn't seem to work just copying and pasting the embed link.

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