samedi 25 avril 2015

Powder Blue Tang Not Eating in QT

Hello All,

Exactly 1 week ago I received a beautiful healthy looking 5" PBT and placed in QT. The fish is swimming about normally but I cannot get it to eat. I've tried garlic soaked Nori, NLS pellets, flakes, and Mysis (all soaked with garlic) and no luck. The PBT is disinterested in any of the foods and I'm beginning to worry about it's health. It was nice and fat when I got it online and still looks to be healthy.

The QT is a 29G tank with some PVC fittings for it to hide in. I have the tank covered with a towel to prevent stress. Ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, phosphates, Ph, salinity, ect. are all in check.

Do you feel I should move the PBT to my 180G DT as the QT may be too small and stressing the fish more? The PBT shows no signs of white spots but I have seen it "flash" once or twice on the 2nd day it was in QT, but no more. This is the last fish I'll be adding to my QT that already houses a variety of other tangs, wrasses, triggers, clowns, anthias, ect.

I do not want to risk an ich outbreak in my 180 reef tank.


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