mercredi 29 avril 2015

10 gallon lighting suggestion


I have a 10 gallon salt water tank that is housing some pulsing Xenia along with some orange and green mushrooms. This is a normal size rectangular, 24" wide, tank that I am using to store some coral and a couple of clown fish until I can get my 90 gallon up and running. I am using a power compact fixture along with a T5 fixture which is placed on the tank. The power compact is my white light while the T5 has actinic lights in it. In the last week or so the coral has stopped growing and seems to be slowly closing. I am using a HOB AquaClear filter on the tank. I know the bulbs are old and I was wondering if I should just replace the fixtures or replace the bulbs. Since this is just a temporary set up I was wondering if I could use a 50/50 compact bulb and get rid of the T5 fixture to give me more room on the tank or should I just replace the fixtures or replace the bulbs in both fixtures. Again, I am trying to save as much money as I can right now so I can get the equipment I need for my 90 gallon set up.


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