lundi 27 avril 2015

*onday Early Start

*orning all :wavey:

So much for the dawgs knowing what time it is :doh:, yesterday they let me sleep until I woke up :D, @ 8:30am,,,,, today they (in truth only one of 'em) decided it was time to start the day:arg:. Truth again be known, it was the dawg that needs/has mucho potty breaks inna day :(, so it was my version of answering da baby crying :).

Fresh ground coffee in the coffeemaker, prob gonna wait until the first cup goes down b4 I decide of what day startin' grub will follow:idea:. Tho I can go to the magic TRT training table and get just about anything :icon_drool: :yumyum: .

Have PT appt. in a few hrs, then the day entails waiting to hear the diagnosis(or autopsy :() on Blyth's car. Kinda expecting the worst, but hoping I get surprised with a less than terminal determination.

Hope everyone has a great day! :wavey:

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