dimanche 26 avril 2015

Blue tang might have ich?!

We bought a 180g tank with a blue tang, naso tang, trigger, and porcupine puffer.
We have had it setup for almost a week now.
The blue tang was in rough shape I guess from its very first owners. Fins have scarring from previous fin rot :( and she had some white color on her. Previous owner said when they bought the tank it came with her and I was told she was in really rough shape then-almost no blue color mostly all white.

Anyway she was very stressed out because of the tank move. We got her in the tank and all the other fish were good to go, while she laid on her side behind rocks breathing heavily. She did that for two days before finally coming out and swimming around. She lost a lot of color when she was stressed from the move but its mostly back now.
She's swimming around but barely using her tail to swim-mostly uses her front two side fins to swim.
Today I came home and she's still a bit pale in color but now has some white spots on her which she didnt have before-worried its ich!

She has been on a bit of a hunger strike as well as the puffer since we moved them.

No other fish are showing signs of ich.

This is a fowlr tank-no corals.
Water parameters 0amonia 0 nitrite and high nitrates 80-160! Think this is due to shifting all the sand when moving the tank. We are working on getting this down (water changes and going to get mangroves/chaeto algae and turn the sump into refugium)

Pics of the tang to follow

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