mercredi 29 avril 2015

Father son hobby. 36 gallon bow front.

Figured I'd go ahead and do one of these to kinda keep a journal of the screw ups I'll make. lol

I picked up an Aqueon 36 bow front from Petdumb for my sons 5th birthday. He loves his 10 gallon FW and I've always wanted to get into the SW hobby so here we are. We started out with the HOB filter and heater that came with the setup, 40lbs live sand, a cheap Walmart power head, and about 12lbs cured LR from the LFS. Shortly after added another identical HOB filter and a slice of raw MahiMahi to get the tank cycling.
Fast forward about two weeks and I hadn't seen a trace of ammonia or nitrite, but thought I was seeing nitrate. I was also getting little white things that looked like 1/32 long hairs on almost all the rocks. Still to be safe I left it alone not wanting to do any harm to anything. Another week goes by and one morning I go in my sons room to wake him up and look in the tank. I see little almost microscopic white things all over the glass on one side of the tank that I later found out were copepods. The next day, which was this past Sunday, I tested the water again with great results and decided to get a small CUC in there with a hardy fish.
My son defiantly wanted a "Nemo" so we got a little false perc, 3 hermit crabs, 3 snails, and more LR cured with coraline algae all over it. We got home and got "Nemo" drip acclimated and into the tank along with his buddies. Now Ethan sees him swimming around in there and lols at me and says "I know what I want to call him dad. I'll call him Nemo." I knew that was coming...
Any Who that night I got on Amazon and ordered a Seio p1000 circulation pump and a magnet veggie clip. Monday I picked up some mysis shrimp & pellet food from Petco and tried feeding "Nemo" some shrimp. He ate very little but I figured all was okay. Tuesday the Amazon box awaited me when I got home from work and in went the new CP and man what a difference. I went ahead and got another one coming I liked it so much, but I noticed Nemo was not swimming much, just kinda hanging out down by the sand. I tried feeding him again, this time a little nori we have to make sushi with. He nibbled for about 5-10 seconds and was done, never really leaving the bottom. I get home today and same thing. I try to give him a few pellets but nothing. So I wanted to move the CP to a different spot and after I do it I see Nemo has moved. I go looking for him and just catch him backing into a small cave made by the love rock. I tested the water and was at 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and about 10-15 ppm nitrate. I have some water mixing now for a water change tomorrow, but at this point I'm a little worried for him. I'm hoping he's just lonely, as tomorrow I'm going to get him a friend. Also ordered an AI Prime and mount today that is due to be here on Friday.
I feel I'm leaving something out but am really tired. I will post up pics tomorrow and update how all goes at the LFS for a friend for Nemo.

Until next time...

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