mardi 28 avril 2015

Good to be back - I think!?

Had been a Reef aquarium enthusiast for years, but due to circumstances I had to give it up 3 years ago. Now returning. I think I was a member here at one time - so now here to "relearn" and to get updated info on the hobby. I will be setting up a 65 reef with LED lights, a refugium under it. I picked it up at very reasonable cost from a local who is getting out of the hobby. I will be moving it this weekend and resetting it up. I will list full setup when I have more details- fish and corals will be removed so I will get the sand/some live rock in the display and the rock/cheato and critters in the refugium and all equipment.

I will be rummaging thru the shed/garage for all the necessities ( mixing pumps, salt, additives,etc) and will need some help on how to do some stuff because: I have forgotten how - dam it is tough to be over 50 - you forget stuff too quickly!

I look forward to be active in the reef community again to get help and to help others.


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