jeudi 30 avril 2015

20 Gallon Long/Upgrade in the works

I've got a 20 gallon long marine tank with 4 bulb t5 Ho and LED moonlights fixture. 2 ATI white bulbs and 2 Zoo Med actinics (when they go out I will replace with ATI actinics). Fluval hang on the back filter rated for 30 and Remora hang on back protein skimmer rated for 75 gallons. Jebao RW-4 circulation pump on speed 3 and frequency at about %60.

In the midst of putting equipment together for 125 gallon marine tank. Deciding between internal overflow box or hang on back overflow. I don't know if bottom pane of tank is tempered or not which is created the largest problem. Leaning toward hang on back overflow. Once I get past that it's smooth sailing, in comparison.

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