dimanche 26 avril 2015

Incredible Naso Tang

I would like to share a story that recently happened. I have a 180 gallon reef tank that's still a work in progress. A few months ago I bought a naso tang to put in the tank. He has done very well and is a amazing fish. After awhile I purchased a blue throat male trigger which I adore. The blue throat was very very skitish for quit sometime. One evening I walked up to the tank and the trigger got freaked out and took off and hit his head really hard on one of the power heads and swam behind a rock and laid on his side. I was shocked and upset cause I thought that was it for him. I waited a few minutes to see how he was. I eventually reached in and tapped him to see his reaction and when I did he came out and started swimming from one side of the tank to the other. To my amazement the naso tang started to follow him and swam right above him and made every move he made seeming to protect him and look after him. It really seemed as though he knew he was hurt and wanted to make sure he was ok. They are best of buddy's. The trigger recovered fully and has become more acclimated to his environment. I just thought it was a cool story and would like to share it.

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