lundi 27 avril 2015

Everything dying?? Please help!!!

i just added a sump to my 10 gallon nano. i used a DIY pvc overflow and added about 8 gallons to my setup. but now all my corals are dying out, fish seem a little stressed, and i cant find my shrimp! the corals are all closed up, and look pretty beat up. my fish are eating, but the smaller clownfish was sucked into the overflow and i (thankfully) found him safe inside the sump. now i have reason to believe my peppermint shrimp was sucked in and is now stuck in the pipes, i cant find him anywhere else. the water is also slightly cloudy.

i will try to attach some pics of everything soon, but so far does anybody have an idea of what might be happening? i think the double in size might have shocked the tank, but i used pure RODI water fresh from the LFS i usually get it from. it was also preheated before added to the sump.

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