mardi 28 avril 2015

Will a male mandarin dragonet spike grow back?

About 3 weeks ago, my male Mandarin disappeared from my tank. After searching the tank and sump I had concluded that the poor guy had fallen victim to the RBTA I have in my tank. Fast forward to 2 days ago I was doing my standard sump cleaning and I took apart my skimmer and found the fish IN the skimmer. He was pretty beat up and slimmed up. All his fins are pretty beat up and his dorsal spike is gone. I tried introducing him back into the display tank but my female mandarin who was formerly his mate, proceeded to attack him and only stopped when I seperated them. She is treating him like she would treat another female mandarin.

I removed him from the display tank and he is currently living in my copepod breeding tank until I can get him fattened up and healed.

So, here comes my question, will his dorsal spike grow back so I can possibly have some hope of getting him re-introduced to the DP and his mate?

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