dimanche 26 avril 2015

Sump without fuge quetions

Hello! I have decided to set up a 10 gallon sump under my 55 gallon tank because I am tired of looking at all the equipment in my display tank. I have a few questions. I have been reading tons of information online but still can't seem to find the answers I need.

First I have a hob fuge that I use now for breeding pods and macro. It is only a gallon but it does the trick. So I don't want to put a fuge in my sump. From what I have read I don't need baffles then. So now the issue is this, I know I can put my heater in there, can I or should i attach my filters in the sump or should I try to set up an area with sponges etc like some sumps show? I have a hob filter for 80 gallon aquarium now and a canister filter that I use. Can I hook those up in the sump? Or is that silly? Also what about my uv sterilizer and protein skimmer? I have a hob skimmer now. Should I leave it on the display tank to skim the raw water or hide it in my sump? If I put it in the sump do I need a baffle or is it okay since I don't have the fuge?

Lastly what about the plumbing? Im going to need a hob overflow box because my tank isn't drilled. I have heard that some overflow boxes prevent flooding, but I also read to drill 2 holes in the tubing just about in inch under the water line to prevent a flood. What is everyone's opinons on that also?

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