mardi 28 avril 2015

Peacock Mantis shrimp help/question - is this tank okay?

Hi all,

New to the forum and new to saltwater tanks as well. I have mucho experience with freshwater tanks, All kinds of fish from piranha to goldfish and everything in between, but have just recently upgraded to my first saltwater tank. Have wanted to for some time now.

So I have wanted to get a peacock mantis for years now, and decided to take the first step in doing so (hopefully)

So, I asked the guy at he store who seemed very knowledgeable about peacock mantis requirements, as he had owned multiple peacocks since his youth.

He said the tank size I got is fine for a mantis, but it would only be an appropriate size for JUST the mantis, nothing more. I purchased some yellow tailed damsels, as i heard they help bring the water in line correctly (again, I am completely new to saltwater ANYTHING, forgive my lack of correct terms...)

So here is the tank:

So, I have been researching for days now to make sure I am doing everything right. The tank I have has a skimmer and all the trimmings, but after doing some research, I am worried about the tank size. I keep hearing and reading tons of different stuff...some people say 5- 10 gal is fine if done right, others say 20 and some say 40! mine is a 14.

I searched high and low until I found a rock that was very tunnel/cave like, it goes back 6 inch and is sitting on about 3-4 inch of sand/rock. The rest of the tank is just 2 rocks at the back and a big open space.

I lined the top of the sand with a ton of live rocks, as I read peacocks like to build openings and closings for their cave.

I put in some purple rocks with them (forgot the name, sorry you guys must hate me lol) Got a PH testing kit and salinity kit.

I know the damsels will get most likely killed, I knew that buying them, I just wanted to make sure the levels in the tank were right or as best as possible.

So, is this tank okay for a peacock mantis shrimp? If i get a small guy will he grow to the size of the tank? Is it okay to get for now but might need to upgrade tanks in a year or two?

Sorry for all the I said I am pretty new to all this, and want to make sure I do as much right as possible.

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