mardi 21 avril 2015

Recent 180g tank purchase, warm water!

We recently just bought a 180g saltwater tank that's been live with them for a year, and live from the people they got it from for many years.

Tank came complete with everything needed (EXCEPT a protein skimmer!!)
And came with 4 fish-all 6" or so. Porcupine puffer, blue tang, naso tang, and a trigger.

They had it as a fish only with fake rock and fake coral and bioballs in the sump.

We just got it setup at our house (moving it was no fun)
So far we are still using the bioballs for now (yes I know they suck)
We ditched most the decor and I put in 5 decent sized pieces of live rock from another tank. (Ill be adding more as I find it for sale)
And I left two fake pieces of coral in there.

The fake rocks are interesting. They look like a plastic or fiberglass material, they're hollow and large. Supposing they house beneficial bacteria like live rock but I'm not so about it.

Anyways the tank came with a 1/2hp chiller. I didn't think we would need it for a fish only tank so I left it disconnected. (After all my coral tank doesn't have one and it doesn't get hot enough to need one)
So I come back the next day and stick my hand in the tank and realize that its pretty luke warm. I feel the two return pumps (external velocity t3's) and they're hot as hell!!
Immediately turned one off and turned the lights off and jury rigged the chiller into the sump to cool it down. Temp reading on the chiller was 86 degrees when I turned it on.
This is only 24hours or less of the pumps running!

Any thoughts on why my tank is being super heated by these two pumps?
Is there cost effective replacements?
I love how quite these pumps are but If they add this much heat they're not worth it.

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