lundi 20 avril 2015

Ich Question- How long have tank in fallow?

So in my Nanocube, I have been running an all-coral system for about two months now.

Before that, I had an Ich experience (After my Hurricane-caused tank crash) (With Wrasse and Clown) that discouraged me. The fish rapidly would develop Ich, almost die, and only recover in a Copper-Quarantine tank. I got tired of the cycle and gave them back to the LFS.

I am looking to once again get some marine fish, and wonder if this "Fallow" period could have been enough, along with careful acclimation and garlic food.

Does anyone have personal expierience with this fallow procedure? Any advnice?

I attempted to identify ich bacteria in my microscope, but was unable due to having no idea how to identify Ich among all the other bacteria in the aquarium.

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