vendredi 28 mars 2014

Water Chemistry Question

Hey TRT,

I just started mixing my own salt. I am using Reef Crystals due to their reputation. I have an 8 gallon IM Nano that was started about 3 months ago. My questions is:

I have dKH of 6 and calcium of around 360-380 in my tank right now. I have only done a 1 gallon water change with the Reef Crystals water. However, I tested the reef crystals water that I mixed for 10-12hrs and I am getting the same numbers (around 7 dKH and 380 calcium. I plan to keep a couple of clams in my tank and I'd like to know the best way to raise those numbers.

I have zero coralline algae and I'd like my calcium to be around 450 and dKH around 9-10.

Here are the results for today's test:

salinity: 1.025

ph: 8-8.2

ammonia: 0

nitrite: 0

nitrate: 0

phosphate: 0

dKH: 6

calcium: 360

magnesium: 1600

All test are done with year old API test kit except for the Mg (RedSea kit).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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