dimanche 30 mars 2014

Lets Talk Skimmers and Filtration

I wanted to start a FRIENDLY conversation about skimmers and filtration. So some people are firm believers in the faster you can move your water the better. I know a lot of people who turn their tanks over at least 20 times an hour. To me that seems like a lot. my question is why? I have a 220 lps/softie tank. That means I SHOULD run 4400 ghp thru my sump. In my sump i have an AquaC EV 240. Please correct me if I am wrong but isn't the skimmer the most important filtration? So less that half of the water that runs through the is getting skimmed. Theoretically shouldn't your return pump be the same or even smaller than that the pump on your skimmer to acheive maximum efficiency, meaning your pumping clean water back into your display tank no half cleaned water?

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