dimanche 30 mars 2014

Rock Flower Anemone - Where should I Place it?

So at first someone told me that you should Place Rock Flower Anemones on the Sand Bed and then it will Bury its Foot in the Sand and will be Happy and Stay Put.

Well I was at the Frag Swap today and all 3 People that were Selling Rock Flower Anemones said to put it on a Rock for it to be most Happy.

One Dealer said to turn of the Flow, Put it on the Rock, and Hold it there for 20 Seconds and it should Stick and not Move after that.

He said that there is a "Sand Anemone" version which are the Less Colorful Brown Variety that like the Sand but the Nice Colorful Red Rocks that people sell at Shows like to be on Rocks (Hence the name Rock Anemone).

Is this true?

Where should they be Placed?

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