dimanche 30 mars 2014

How to decrease microbubbles in my tank

Hey guys. I have a 75-gallon reef tank with a Reef Octopus In-Sump Skimmer. However, I'm noticing that there are quite a bit of microbubbles floating around in the display tank.

I think I may have the culprit, although not a solution. I believe the output of my skimmer is creating many bubbles that are being pumped up back to my display. Now, I have had a block sponge seperating the area from the return pump to the skimmer, but recently I've had to compress the sponge and allow more space to allow a greater velocity of water flow. My problem was that water wasn't filtering through the block sponge fast enough, and the last compartment with the return pump had a greatly decreased water level because of it.

So, I'm a bit stuck as to what I should do with my block sponge. I've "shaken it out" in old tank water when I've done water changes, but it doesn't seem to help with the flow issue. Should I cut the diameter of the sponge in half so that the water has to flow through less of the sponge? Will that decrease the microbubbles?

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