samedi 29 mars 2014

New Tank! Tips and Suggestions?

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to this forum and to the saltwater life. I have had freshwater tanks my entire life, and I thought it was time to "upgrade."

I got a 55G Saltwater tank that has been running for about 3 months.

It currently has:

- 2 Clown Fish

- 1 Small FoxFace rabbitfish

- 3 Cardinals

- 1 Scarlet cleaning shrimp

- And the cleaning crew (10 snails, 5 red leg hermits, 2 Nassarius Snails, 1 Emerald Crab)

I use a canister system for filtration, and a HOB protein skimmer. I have had about 7 pounds of live rock during these three months, and I added 40 pounds of dry rock about a month ago.

I got some brown algae 2 days ago, so that's why I got the cleaning crew.

I also use a Reef capable LED light, which is mostly off now because of the algae.

Now, I have a few questions that maybe someone can help me:

- How long does it take for the Dry rock to become "live"?

- Besides the cleaning crew, the Chemi-Pure in the canister, and feeding 3 times per week, anything else I could do to remove the brown algae?

- How can I tell when the tank is ready to add corals?

- I want to add more rocks, should it be live or dry? I don't want to cause any cycle problems.

- How don't you get nervous or concern when the Foxface looks stressed out? I feel I'll give it a heart attack every time I do something in the tank :(

Thank you!

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