dimanche 30 mars 2014

Huge moving catastrophe

Hey all. Well, I just moved from one city to another. About 6 hours away drive time.

I broke down my 40GB, put my rock into buckets, and put my fish + some rock into my old 10 gallon nano as it was much easier to move.

I moved everyone the night before so things wouldn't be too crazy on moving day.

Well, for the drive I drained and kept all the water from the tank, to about 4" deep, removed the rock so there were just the alive creatures in the 10. Into the CAB of the truck we went.

Well unfortunately I think everything got WAY too cold on the way over. The water was 60 degrees when we reached our destination... It was about 8 hours from breakdown of the 10 to re-setup of the 10.

I have two clowns, one watchman goby and a mandarine. An hour after setting up the 10 again, everyone was breathing labored and on the bottom of the tank, or on their sides. I am so sad. One clown and the mandarine were dead this morning. I feel so bad. I know that couldn't have been a good way to go out of this world. My other clown looks fine now, but the watchman looks like he isn't going to make it.

Wondering if the cold killed so much bacteria that there was an ammonia spike shortly after re-setup. I only packed an extra gallon of saltwater, so couldn't do a water change. All of my fish tank stuff is packed away, as I don't get to move into my apartment until wednesday. Tank is set up at my friends house, where I'm staying. Re-setup happened last night about 9pm. Didn't have any testing kits... So I don't know exactly what happened.

This is such a blow. I feel like I shouldn't be reefing if I can't be responsible enough to keep everyone alive.

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