dimanche 16 avril 2017

available foster home for psycadellic mandarin on long island, NY

i will be in the process soon of doing some major cleaning and maintenance to my 37 gallon tank, which has been housing a very happy and fat mandarin for a little more than a year now, ive been battling bryopsis and now that most of my delicate corals have new homes im going to be doing 30% WCs every 4-5 days along with some major rock scrubbing and going full barebottom.

even though i have a healthy supply of copepods now, i fear that from the major detritus removal i will be short handed soon. this mandarin has been very successful and i dont trust to give it to a lfs, as i know what happens to the majority of lfs mandarins. (not to knock lfs's because it is a challenging task regardless, but statistics are statistics.) i will be closely monitoring my mandarins feeding activity, but if things start to go south i would like to be in touch with a local reefer that can oblige a great home for the little guy, he's one of my favorites. (possibly PaulB, if you happen to see this). we've met before in a lfs closeby so theres hope on the horizon maybe. :) but if theres anyone else in the nassau county area of LI that would possibly adopt a great little tank mate let me know.

great to be back on the forums, i hope everyones holidays were great.

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