mercredi 26 avril 2017

Are your spaghetti worms more hassle than beneficial?

i started seeing spaghetti worms popping up everywhere about a year ago in my tank, and this was right about the time that i started getting algae issues on my rocks. i notice that whenever blowing off the rocks with a baster, any spot with spaghetti worms sticking out is like a gigantic eruption of detritus.

i've also observed that for the most part, the worst spots of algae in the tank are located directly where there are big numbers of these guys, and now im starting to wonder if they are stealing the show from my mechanical filtration and instead are digging fish waste and food deep into the pores of my rocks.

this thought alone makes me want to find a predator of these guys, i hear copperband butterflies do the trick but my tank is too small to keep one happy long term, there was a snail with big flappy looking sides that i thought ate them but i forgot the name of it.

thoughts on spaghetti worms in a bare bottom or very shallow sand bed setup? i see their purpose in a dsb but since im bare bottom at the moment i feel the skimmer and my filter sock should do most of the work for me.

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