mardi 25 avril 2017

My yellow watchman gobby is hiding now :(

Hi everyone,

I am having a yellow watchman gobby for around 1 month and it is my favorite fish so far. Given that watchman gobbies are usually shy and always hide (just like my previous one used to do), this one is the less shy fish I ever had! He constantly moves around and even swims at the middle-top together with the clownfish! Such a great thing to watch!
Until I got a tiger pistol shrimp... I heard they are good mates with the yellow watchman gobby, so I gave it a try. The shrimp started digging tunnels and it seems like the gobby is a guard at the entrance of these tunnels and the shrimp hiding inside them. Sometimes the gobby hides in the tunnels and I cannot see it anymore.
I know the fish looks happier now, but I feel sad I will get to see it less...

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