dimanche 23 avril 2017

Hello! Can't wait to get advice!

Hi! I am new to The Reef Tank

I currently am in the process of researching my butt off for a saltwater tank. I have a freshwater tank, but when I can I plan on starting a FOWLR (with an aim for corals once its been stable for ages). Forums such as these have been a huge source of info!

My future plan very vaguely includes
Clown pair
Blenny (maybe a lawnmower)
Goby (haven't chosen what type)
6 line wrasse
and probably some type of cardinals

I don't think I'm handy enough to do my own build and sump etc, so I'm looking at set ups but they seem very expensive (paying for convenience I guess).

Any suggestions on the size tank I should be aiming for with what I want, and what set ups are any good?

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