mercredi 19 avril 2017

Confusing parameters

I'm a bit lost about my phosphate parameters. I have a huge macro-algae refugium, that helps with my stability of my reef. Now i've just found this table of parameters. For a Macro algae tank it says .5ppm and for my mixed reef it needs to be at 0 ppm. Right now its at .5 , so i'm ok for my refugium tank but not for the reef. How can i adjust this. Should i leave it at .5ppm to keep my macro's happy of the reef which is doing well i must admit.

,Ideal Reef Tank, Macroalgae, Tank Fish Only

Ammonia 0 ppm 0 ppm .0 ppm ,0 ppm

Nitrite 0 ppm 0 ppm ,0 ppm ,0 ppm

Nitrate 0 ppm 0-10ppm .5-10ppm 0-30ppm

Calcium 425 400-450 400-450 350-450

Alkalinity (meq/L) 3.5 2.5-4 meq/L 2.5-4 meq/L 2.5-4 meq/L

Alkalinity dKH 10 8-11 dKH 8-11 dKH 8-11 dKH

Specific Gravity 1.025 1.025-1.028 1.022-1.028 1.022-1.028

Temperature (F) 79 73-83 73-83 73-83

pH 8.2 8-8.5pH 7.8-8.5pH 7.8-8.5pH

Magnesium 1250 1250-1400 1250-1350 1100-1400

Phosphate 0 ppm 0 ppm <.5 ppm <.5 ppm

Sorry for the columns it doesn't seem to accept them lol.

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