jeudi 27 avril 2017

Rose Bubble Tip Anenome Still hiding

I got a Rose Bubble Tip Anenome Sunday night, acclimated it and then put in a spot I thought it liked. Ever since it was put in the bag at the fish store it was all the way in to a flat disk and hasn't come out of that shape since then.

After 24 hours of it being mad and showing zero signs of it coming out of hiding I tried putting a piece of shrimp on it's mouth, sure enough, it ate it. After eating the shrimp it started to be on the move a little. I thought I was golden. Then it just kind of stopped in the sand bed and didn't move.

The next day I moved it to what I think is a much better spot for flow/lighting and it still is in hiding. I fed it another piece of Mysis shrimp on Tuesday and it ate that thing hole. Even saw the tail sticking out of its mouth. I have went ahead and left it there since then and it just kid of sits there. It hasn't tried to move at all and overall it's a wider disk than it was on Monday, but it still seems really pissed.

Are they known for coming out of their shell slowly?

I tested my water parameters and Phosphate/Nitrates are at 0, but who knows if something else isn't just eating it all up. Tank has been running since November. I do have a chemi-pure elite phosphate remover sitting in my filter sock. I have a refugium(relatively new) with Chaeto algae in there.

I at least know that it's still alive because it's eating and will move, but it will not open up it's tentacles lol.

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