dimanche 30 avril 2017

Zetlight, Kessil, Radion, SBreef, or ReefBreeders?

Hello all,

for those that are not following my 210g build, I am stuck between a rock and a hard spot!! So I need your help!!

I have gone from 3, to 5. :doh:

Zetlight, Kessil, Radion, SBReef, or ReefBreeders?

What I plan on doing: mixed reef and SPS some time way down the road.

Apex compatibility is a HUGE plus.

They will be over a 210g tank that is 7'x2'x2'.

What I have come up with:

Zetlight ZT-6800A is Apex compatible. I'd have to get 2 for coverage and still be 4" short front to back and 2" short on either side. All for around $1100.

Kessil A360W-E I would need 3 of them at the very minimum I believe. Even with 3 I would be 6" short on either side. But penetration is phenomenal I've heard. This would run around $1200. These are also Apex compatible.

Radion XR30 G4's. I believe everyone can imagine where this is going. WOW :nuts: Apex ready, but still 6" short on either side. Price tag is a real kicker at around $2400 for 3 of them that I would need.

SBReefs: Elite 30" which has built in ramping. For these I would run 2 in the front and 1 in the back, as I would have about 3" over either end if I ran them in a straight line. At 327W I would need 3 at around $1200.
Pro 32" only has a built in timer. This light is 363W. For 3 of them it would run around $900. I would also run 2 in the front and 1 in the back.
Basic 30" runs at 327W but has 3 cords, one for each channel. Again, I would need 3 which would come in around $800.
Now for all of the SBReefs Mike had said that you can make them Apex compatible, which I have the wiring for. Now I know he also said on certain ones you won't be able to ramp with the Apex, so I'll have to call him again about these.

ReefBreeders: Photon 24 Not Apex compatible. I would need 3 of these which comes in around $1050. I have the first generation on my 30g reef now and had great results with it.
Photon 32 & 48 obviously neither is Apex compatible. I would only be short 2" on either side. Both of these together would run around $1225.

Hopefully some of you can shed some light here. I'm really interested in finding out more on Zetlight. I'm even willing to consider a mix and match of the above lights.



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