vendredi 28 avril 2017

Friday? Yeah, FRIDAY!

Good morning Friends, and yeah....HAPPY FRIDAY! Days are starting to blur around here. I think I'll treat us to a nice relaxing breakfast to get us about some ham omelets, and of course a plain one here for Cath, to go with our coffee and pink milk. Life is a tad nutty at the boatyard being shorter handed'er than usual. Making for a worn out puppy by the end of the day. The gent will probably be out for 3 weeks or 'rush season'. That's O.K., that's what these big shoulders are for. Tomorrow is 'Bay Fest' in Somerspoint.... across the creek from where I work they shut down the street and turn the place into a tourist trap carnival. We'll have folks strolling through our yard for no other reason than because 'it's there'. Traffic? Yeah, it'll be suckie! I hope all you fine Folks will find groovy things to occupy your day, and all the best,

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