dimanche 30 avril 2017

29gl Stocking suggestions

OK So I feel like I finally have a set up that I might actually work. I have had mixed success with saltwater in the past. And my reeef keeping has been not so good. I blame this entirely on being poorly equipped.

Well now I have a 29 gallon that I feel is doing well and I want to begin to stock it with a few things. But I want to do do it with stuff that will work for a small aquarium.

First what I have.

First I have about 15 pounds of live rock and 15 pounds of dead rock that I can see is being seeded. I have a 3" deep sand bed with the top layer being 10# of natures ocean live sand. I have two algae eating snails of some sort and I used to have two other snails in the sand but I haven't seen them in a long time. I also bought a piece of live rock that had two different kinds of macro algae on it and a couple of either anemones or corals. They are not apistas ( I know what those are) Can't really tell what they are but they are pretty cool little things. I also have a very small humbug damsel, a blue damsel with yellow fins, and a Morse Code Maroon clown.

Equipment wise I am using a HOB filter, a in tank skimmer, and a SB Reef 16 inch LED light and a powerhead just moving water.

I was/am having a nitrate problem. It was well over the 160PPM mark but now is at 40PPM. I have been dosing with .2ml of vodka for 8 days. I have hair algae and green micro algae in addition to the two macro algae.

As the nitrates continue to reduce I want to start looking to stock the tank mainly with some inverts/coral. Maybe a fish or two if I can get away with it. I know we want a bubble tip anemone for the clown. And we would like some inverts like hermit crabs or shrimp for cleaning detail. And maybe a few corals. For fish If we can a blenny of some sort and a dwarf angle like a coral beauty or flame.

Now these are the wants. I know we need to contain the algae but how much of a concern will that be once the nitrates are gone? I was thinking the blenny for algae eating or is there another small grazer that would be good for a 29. Hermit crabs for algae and other leftover stuff. Can I get away with adding an angle also.

And finally what kinds of coral could work if any.

I am open for any and all suggestions as I know this is a small tank so I know I need to lightly stock and keep them small.

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