lundi 17 avril 2017

Advice on ich treatment plans

I've been battling ich now since Nov in my 230 g tank. I've tried pretty much everything to eradicate it. I tried the reef safe treatments, picked up uv sterilizers and even tried the experimental hydrogen peroxide "cure" and increased it up to 1:1 without any effect over a couple of months when the ich started killing off half my fish. This just doesn't work

At this point I think I have no other choice except a copper treatment or hypo. I need the ich gone. I still have several fish, inverts, cc starfish, and some softies to sort out. I had been planning to trap the fish and leave the DT fishless for a few months but I only have a 20 g hospital tank to treat them in.
Here's the fish I need to treat:
-5 blue-green chromis
-3 fire fish
-1 yellow wrasse
-1 cleaner wrasse
-1 fairy wrasse

20 g HT/QT
78 g DT- currently fully stocked with fish/snails. My yellow tang won't let any fish move in there but there is some space.

Today I went to my LFS to try to pick up a trap to catch the fish (which of course they don't stock) the guy I spoke to got me thinking of a couple of alternate plans which I'd like some feedback on....

PLAN A-It would be way faster to catch the inverts and coral and move them out and treat the 230 g DT with copper.

PROS: I don't think it would be kind to keep all the fish in a 20 g HT for a few months to treat them. I have a 78 g DT which could hold the coral and inverts instead. but everything else would be ok.
1. I'm not sure if copper would be completely removed by using carbon in the DT after the fish are treated. If I do this can the coral and inverts come back eventually?
2. Could the ich move into the 78 g on the coral/live rock? I don't need another tank infected.

PLAN B-I could go hypo on the DT but the coral and inverts would have to move out while this is going on.

PROS: Wouldn't leave a residue in the main tank, coral and inverts can go back in eventually.
3. How long would hypo take to kill off ich? Would this take longer than the copper treatment?

PLAN C-Borrow a bigger tank from a friend instead for the HT.
4. Would you go with copper or hypo?
5. Do I move the fish or the inverts out?

Thanks for sticking with me this far and all your advice. I'll try to add some pictures of my tanks soon.

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