vendredi 21 avril 2017

No ammonia spike after 2 weeks?

I set up my new 46 BF 13 days ago. I added 40 pounds of the CaribSea live sand, 45 pounds of Marcos dry rock and 10-20 pounds of live rock from my old tank. I added a whole bottle of the BioSpira stuff (the 75 gallon bottle). The tank is at 79 degrees. All RO/DI water with Kent salt.
No skimmer yet, just a small HOB with floss and carbon.
2 660 GPH powerbeads for flow.
I have one turbo snail in there, kind of just because, but it's been doing as snails do for the last 6-8 days.
I added a small piece of raw shrimp in about a week ago to try and expedite things and start the cycle. It has gotten at least 4 times bigger with the "bio-dome" of bacteria on it.
I have been testing for ammonia for the last week, and NOTHING! No nitrites either.
Any idea whats going on?? :help:

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