mardi 18 avril 2017

maybe? Maybe not?

In the continuing green water saga. . . I don't have the cash for a UV light, and now that the water actually IS green, it is driving me batty. Especially since I STILL don't know what set it off. I'm honestly at the point of putting everything into an old spare 10 gallon, at least until I can beat this, if I can, then re-doing the cube if I have the drive to set it up again. I'd rather not give up on reef keeping, but I'm disgusted simply looking at my tank at the moment, and huge water changes on a 10 gallon to get rid of extra whatever-is-in-there are a lot cheaper than they are on a 29 gallon.

IF I do this, however, I'm wondering about my stocking. In my 29 gallon, I've got a firefish, royal gramma, rainford's goby, and two-spot blenny (assuming none of them have died in the 3 months since I've been able to see into my tank?) Obviously too much for a 10 gallon. What should I keep/give away, though? I'm assuming the rainford would be out, since they need to eat the stuff growing on the rocks, right? I'd prefer to keep the gramma, and could give up the firefish if necessary if they can't co-exist in that size tank. What about the blenny, though? I'm guessing he won't have enough to eat in a smaller tank, like the rainford, right? Especially a "newer" one where the rock likely doesn't have a lot of gunk on it for him to graze on since it hasn't seen light in a couple of months.

Thoughts or suggestions?

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